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Community prizes

Monthly prizes

Each month, there is up to a £50 total value of Love2Shop voucher(s) available for member leaderboard prizes. The 10 members who are on the points leaderboard during any given month will be eligible for consideration for one Love2Shop voucher prize (up to a total value of £50) as a thank you for their contribution(s). The number of prizes available and the value of these (up to a maximum total value of £50) will be decided monthly at community management discretion. The prize(s) will be awarded to the member(s) who is/are judged to have made the most valuable contribution(s) to the community during the month and the judges’ decision is final. The judges are made up of the Explain H2Online Community moderators and South Staffs Water colleagues who represent the best interests of customers within the business.

To qualify for the prize(s), the member(s) must still be registered on the Community at the time the winner(s) is/are chosen.

The winner(s) will be chosen during the first week of the following month.

The winning user(s) will receive a notification email from the Explain moderators to their H2Online registered email address on or before the 14th of the month. The winning user(s) will be asked to confirm the email address for receipt of the Love2Shop voucher. The winner(s) will have until the 29th of the same month to respond to the Explain notification email. If a user does not respond to the notification email within this time frame the prize will be re-administered to other eligible members where possible. Winners may opt not to receive a voucher and instead for a donation of the equivalent value to be made to a charity of their choice.

Ad hoc prizes

Further Love2Shop voucher prize(s) may be awarded to members in the month, at the community managers’ discretion, for contributions posted on the community. Contributions could be to any task which appears on the community. These may be awarded to a winner drawn at random from all who participated, or the member judged to have made the most valuable contribution(s).

Where prizes are related to specific content, the content in question and the terms and conditions including value of the voucher on offer will be highlighted alongside the task on the community. Prize winners will be contacted and prizes distributed within one calendar month of the deadline for completion of the task.

“Spot prize(s)” of Love2Shop voucher(s) may also be awarded at community managers’ discretion, where contribution(s) made by member(s) are considered to be particularly valuable or insightful. The financial value and number of these prizes awarded may change each month and this will be determined at community managers’ discretion. Prize winners will be contacted and prizes distributed within one calendar month of the award.

To qualify for any prize the member(s) must still be registered on the Community at the time the winner is chosen. Winners may opt not to receive a voucher and instead for a donation of the equivalent value to be made to a charity of their choice.

In addition to individual member prizes, South Staffs Water and community management may, at their discretion, run incentives based on the points collected by community membership, whereby if all members collectively reach a specified number of points within a specified time period a donation will be made by South Staffs Water to a charitable cause. The donation value and beneficiary will be specified and communicated at the start of the incentive period, along with any other relevant terms and conditions.

Publication of prize winners

Once prize winners have been chosen, their usernames will be shared on the H2Online community to congratulate them on their win. This information would be shared solely with H2Online community members and would not include any personal information.

Administration of prizes

Prizes will be distributed by community managers, Explain Research, on behalf of South Staffs Water. All prizes are distributed at the discretion of community management.